Friday, July 23, 2010

If I only had a brain

I warn you in advance, this is kind of just a random post of random thoughts because I can't really be bothered using my brain properly today.
I've just finished reading The Virgin Suicides by Jeffrey Eugenides, which I bought on a whim in HMV last week. I've not seen the film (which was directed by Sofia Coppola and stars Kirsten Dunst) but after reading the novel, I'd quite like to see it. Anyway, I thoroughly recommend the book, it's lovely and tragic.

fashion and beauty at the little curly girl

"The Lisbon girls were thirteen (Cecilia), and fourteen (Lux), and fifteen (Bonnie), and sixteen (Mary), and seventeen (Therese). They were short, round-buttocked in denim, with rounded cheeks that recalled some dorsal softness. Whenever we got a glimpse, their faces looked indecently revealed, as though we were used to seeing women in veils."

I scanned the image from the cover of my copy (you know how I love to scan!). I really like the shoes in that photo!

I'm currently on a mission to read all the books. While I was at uni, I read a lot of books, but they were mostly books I had to read because of my course, so now I'm trying to make up for that by reading everything I can get my hands on. Got any recommendations? Please share!

I realised last week that the beautiful floral pieces from the Dior Couture show reminded me of the Flower Fairies poetry books I used to read when I was about twelve. Yes, I know, it all sounds very twee, but when I was younger I loved looking through the pages upon pages of pretty pictures and reading the silly, whimsical little poems that went along with them. You may recognise the images or at least the style of drawing, as I think a lot of them are now used on the front of greetings cards and notebooks etc. Anyway, FYI, each photo corresponds to a poem about a particular type of flower fairy and the author, Cicely Mary Barker penned and illustrated hundreds of them.
fashion and beauty at the little curly girl

The Narcissus Fairy

fashion and beauty at the little curly girl
fashion and beauty at the little curly girl

The Scilla Fairy (Have you ever heard of the 'Scilla' flower? No me neither...)

(Images scanned from "A Flower Fairies Treasury" by Cicely Mary Barker)

Cute, aren't they? I know, they're hardly Dior Couture, but I do like that blue hood/cloak thing in the last picture. Galliano, take note!

You may have noticed that I've added a 'legal stuff' page to the blog. This is mainly due to the fact that I recently joined the IFB and have spent a lot of today and yesterday reading articles about blog copyright and other important, serious things that you might not think about as a blogger, but really should. Anyway, I doubt that I'll ever need to enforce my 'copyright regulations' because I'm such a tiny wee blog really, but it's better to be safe than sorry. Potential copycats, bugger off! How do other people feel about blog copyright etc? I'd be interested to hear other bloggers' thoughts on the matter because I think it's quite an important issue.

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